Monday, June 29, 2009

Trampoline Down The Backyard.

It seems like lately we are always so busy around here and there always seems like things just keep being added on to our busy lives.

With the summer now here the yard needs mowing every other week. I've had to trim back bushes and cut low hanging branches off the tree in the front yard. Yesterday, we got a trampoline from one of my mother-in-law's neighbors. It's awesome! However, that meant I had no other choice but to tackle the enormous task of cleaning up the backyard. This required the calling in of reinforcements. So, we were able to get Daniel, Jeromy, & Josh to come on over. The yard required 2ft tall grass to be mowed, a tree branch from our neighbor's tree to be chainsawed off, and our Crape Myrtle was going to be cut down. I mowed the lawn. It required 2 passes at different mower heights. Jeromy and Josh used the chainsaw until it stopped working. We weren't able to take down the whole Crape Myrtle because of it. But one large branch was removed. We're going to work on the rest of the tree in a few weeks. All of us dragged the branches out to the front for the trash man to pick up sometime in the next few weeks. Even Joshua took a few little limbs out with him. (What a big helper out little guy is!) And now we have a new toy to play with in the backyard. Anyway, here's our new toy.

Soon we're also going to remove the shed, cut down another bush that's back there, tear down the sunroom, add a nice new porch, and landscape the whole thing. It's gonna look nice. Someday.

This weekend it's off to the cabin in Arkansas to celebrate the 4th of July. We'll be riding 4-wheelers, shooting off fireworks, playing tee ball, and having a good ol' time. Everyone else is going up there on Thursday night. I have to work until late Friday/early Saturday so I'll have to meet up with them then. I can't wait!

Anyway, that's all I've got. More will come in the future.

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