Anyway, I've got to go to bed. Busy days ahead. And I don't want to have a keyboard imprint on my forehead.
Anyway, I've got to go to bed. Busy days ahead. And I don't want to have a keyboard imprint on my forehead.
Soon we're also going to remove the shed, cut down another bush that's back there, tear down the sunroom, add a nice new porch, and landscape the whole thing. It's gonna look nice. Someday.
This weekend it's off to the cabin in Arkansas to celebrate the 4th of July. We'll be riding 4-wheelers, shooting off fireworks, playing tee ball, and having a good ol' time. Everyone else is going up there on Thursday night. I have to work until late Friday/early Saturday so I'll have to meet up with them then. I can't wait!
Anyway, that's all I've got. More will come in the future.
It's only been 11 days and they've already got the electric and gas back on and the hole fixed in their living room. They moved back into their home Friday night. I'm really surprised how fast it all was taken care of. Especially since the insurance company was involved. I'm sure they're just glad to be back at home sleeping on a regular mattress instead of the air mattress they had to sleep on here.
And here's the Joshua report. He's getting to be such a big boy. Yesterday, my wife sent me a video of him doing somersaults all by himself. Last week he began peddling his tricycle on his own. He's begun speaking in sentences and not just 1 or 2 words at a time. Okay, the sentences are a little broken, but still it's not bad for a kid who's about to turn 2. In fact, next Sunday is his birthday party and he turns 2 on Tuesday. My wife & I have discovered that it is hard to by a toy for a 2 year old. He seems to old for some things, but not old enough for others. Later today we're going shopping to see what we can come up with.
Anyway, I'm starting to finally feel tired. I think I'll try to lay down again and see what happens.